Magazine De Smaak van Italië highlights the rich Italian life in a distinctive and authentic way. We publish wide-ranging travel reports about well-known and unknown regions and cities. We offer tips and show the best places to stay, we publish background stories with beautiful atmospheric photography and of course good, authentic recipes and wines are not left out. Six editions are being published per year.

Reader profile
Women and men, 30+ • higher eduction/University degree •
married or cohabiting, partly with children of school-going age, partly
with children who have already left home • dual-income households
with an above-average income • frequent visitors of Italy and lovers
of the Italian language, culture and kitchen • travel to Italy with own
car or in the combination of by plane and a (rent) car • loyal readers
(buy (on average) 4 of the 6 issues per year) • long reading time: 3 hours.